Jill-Marie Henzel, 53, Waterford, NY, wife to Gregory and mother to Zoe, passed away Monday evening at her home, surrounded by her loving family and friends.
A celebration of life will be held in the summer at a time and place to be announced.
Jill's life and accomplishments were wonderfully summarized on social media. Please click on these links to celebrate with her.
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival -Winston Churchill
Celebrate all victories. Congratulations my love. Your mind, spirit, and soul ascend to the heavens free from any and all earthly limitations. Selfishly we mourn, but we must stay strong. Strong for you and strong for each other. Everyday ❤️
Those blessed to know you knew immediately something was amiss. “How could anyone always have such a positive attitude and optimistic outlook on life?” You are different. You are one of a kind. You will be missed dearly. Everyday ❤️
Jill is Jill. Her mindset is amazing and contagious. Staying true to yourself with unwavering conviction is a state of mind she mastered. Be nice. Be kind. Be sweet. Be compassionate. Be caring. Be loving. Find the good in people and tell them. Everyday ❤️
“I’m not afraid”. Through the entire journey you showed us how a warrior’s strength never wavers. That is Jill. That is our warrior. Everyday ❤️
You made the world better. Significantly better. Because you were great. Time to shine and be your best self. Teach ‘em a thing or two and put in a good word for me.
See you on the other side my love, your Sammy